Identifying Fake News on “theories of COIVD 19 and the implementation of the cellular 5G technology”

Jose Munoz
4 min readMar 12, 2021

In or around late winter, early spring of 2020 a theory first began in Great Britain concerning the implantation of the 5G digital cellular network. This theory that the technology used in the 5G network weakened the immune system and allowed for COIVD 19 to transfer easily from person to person. During this time frame, the pandemic was not fully understood as it is today. Further, lack of information led to much speculation. In addition, one of the largest contractors on the world stage for 5G technology is Huawei, which is a company based in the Peoples Republic of China and is solely owned by Chinese nationals. Companies that are based in China are required to cooperate with the government if it is requested. This would be an issue as the ability to mine data or listen in on conversations. Further, the military's use of the 5G network to transfer command and data could be vulnerable to interception. The protest started in Europe, Great Britain, Australia as well as the United States. After conducting my research on this fake news, there was a clear pattern in these articles. Number one, they all fed off each other, Zero credible science, and lastly, it was always intermixed with other theories about the government.

There has been for years a small sect of people here in the United States and around the world that believe that the signal from cellular phones is harmful. Further, some also believe that WiFi can also cause harm to the human body. Wired Magazine identified a Belgian GP Kris Van Kerckhoven as a potential origin source (Temperton, 2020a) for this theory.

The prevalent theory was that 5G weakened the immune system to the point that the virus could easily penetrate the body and infect the host(victim). In addition, the virus known as COIVD 19 was originally called the Wuhan Virus, after the city in China, It should be noted that some of the leading 5G technology companies are located within the same city. Hence this small tidbit of information gave more credibility to the theory that 5G technology was indeed developed along with the pandemic COIVD 19. Some claim that the coronavirus crisis was deliberately created in order to keep people at home while 5G engineers install the technology everywhere.

In contrast to Australia and the United States, where protestors have largely (if not solely) focused on public demonstrations, 5G-related protests in the United Kingdom have been more direct. There have been a spate of arson attacks on 5G towers across the country — with 77 towers set on fire between early April and early May 2020

It should be noted that quite a few of the protests throughout the world focused in addition to 5G technology, and also a litany of other issues. Some of these include capitalism, the development of certain communities, and the primary one that 5G could harvest your personal data. I am going to say the last point could and should be considered. In the day and age where our entire lives are open to the world via our “smart” devices, this is a very real threat to our personal privacy. When you mixed this with the protest on lockdowns and the lack of credible information on the virus, a sort of perfect storm began brewing for those like-minded conspiracy theories.

In conclusion following my research, there is Zero credibility that 5G technology had anything to do with the world suffering from COIVD 19. Not one leading medical expert has ever testified to avoiding 5G in order to prevent the introduction of the virus into your person. Further, the world’s leading medical minds literally spent billions of dollars to develop a vaccine for this virus, not one mention of 5G anywhere in any of this research. My conclusion is that all of these reports of the correlation between the 5G and COIVD 19 is fake news.

Worked Cited

Temperton J. (2020. a) How the 5G coronavirus conspiracy theory tore through the internet. Wired, 6 April Available (accessed 17 June 2020).

Wasim Ahmed et al, “Four experts investigate how the 5G coronavirus conspiracy theory began” June 11, 2020,

James Meese et al, “COVID-19, 5G conspiracies and infrastructural futures” 2020 Aug 27,

